console.log( console.log(`========================================== STARTING BOT =============================================`) const TelegramBot = require('node-telegram-bot-api'); const mongoose = require('mongoose'); const {userSchema, chatSchema, triggerSchema, warningSchema} = require('./schemas'); const User = mongoose.model('User', userSchema) const Chat = mongoose.model('Chat', chatSchema) const Trigger = mongoose.model('Trigger', triggerSchema) const Warning = mongoose.model('Warning', warningSchema) let me let update = false const MarkdownEscape = /_|\*|\[|\]|\(|\)|~|`|>|#|\+|-|=|\||{|}|\.|!/g const escapeFunc = x => { return "\\" + x } const markdowned = s => { return s.toString().replace(MarkdownEscape, escapeFunc) } const mongo_uri = "mongodb://"+process.env.MONGO_HOST+"/godot" mongoose.connect(mongo_uri, {useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true}) const db = mongoose.connection db.on('error', console.error.bind(console, 'CONNECTION ERROR: ')) db.once('open', () => console.log("DB CONNECTED SUCCESFULLY")) const telegram_token = process.env.TOKEN const bot = new TelegramBot(telegram_token, {polling: true}) bot.getMe().then(result => { me = result console.log(me) console.log("TLG BOT CONNECTED") bot.setMyCommands([ {"command": "help", "description": "Показать справку по командам"}, {"command": "top", "description": "Показать ТОП-10 пользователей по карме"}, {"command": "bottom", "description": "Показать отрицательный ТОП-10 пользователей по карме"}, {"command": "stats", "description": "Показать статистику пользователя"} ]) }).catch(error => console.error(error.code, error.response.body)) bot.onText(/^\/update_db/, async(msg, match) => { if (update) return const user = msg.from const chatMember = await bot.getChatMember(, if(chatMember.status == "administrator" || chatMember.status == "creator"){ update = true bot.sendMessage(, "База данного чата обновляется, подождите, пожалуйста.") await updateDB( bot.sendMessage(, "База чата успешно обновлена! Благодарю за ожидание :3") update = false } }) bot.onText(/^\/me (.+)/, async (msg, match) => { if (update) return const user = msg.from const options = { parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2', } if (msg.reply_to_message) options.reply_to_message_id = msg.reply_to_message.message_id if ( bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) bot.sendMessage(, `_*${markdowned(user.first_name || user.username)}* ${markdowned(match[1])}_`, options) }) bot.onText(/^\/GodetteSay (.+)/, async (msg, match) => { if (update) return const user = msg.from const chatMember = await bot.getChatMember(, if(chatMember.status == "administrator" || chatMember.status == "creator"){ const options = { parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2', } if (msg.reply_to_message) options.reply_to_message_id = msg.reply_to_message.message_id if ( bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) bot.sendMessage(, `*${markdowned(match[1])}*`, options) } }) bot.onText(/^\/help/, async msg => { if (update) return const chat = await getChat( if (!chat) { return } try{ bot.sendMessage(, ` Итак, вот на что я реагирую: Для изменения кармы другому человеку, ответьте на его сообщение текстом, начинающимся на: \\- "\\+" и "\\-" \\- 👍 и 👎 \\- "спасибо", "спс", "благодарю", регистр не важен Между изменениями кармы от одного человека должно пройти не менее ${chat.options.karmaCooldown} секунд\\. Если у вас отрицательная карма \\- менять другим её нельзя\\! /stats \\- покажет вашу статистику кармы и сообщений для данного чата\\. Карма общая на все чаты\\. /top \\- покажет ТОП\\-10 мест по карме\\. /bottom \\- покажет отрицательный ТОП\\-10\\. /me \\- я напишу твоё сообщение как действие\\. Например это: \`/me написал очень полезного бота\` превратится в это: _*Vlad* написал очень полезного бота_ Также в основном чате я на слово "оффтоп" сразу же кидаю ссылку на оффтоп\\-чат\\. Потому что не стоит засорять основу общими беседами \\(; `, {parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) } catch(error) { console.error(error) } }) bot.onText(/\/setmain/, async(msg, match) => { if (update) return const chat = await getChat( if(!chat) { return } const member = await bot.getChatMember(, if (member.status == "administrator" || member.status == "creator" || > 0) { Chat.updateOne({ uid: }, { $set: {main: true} }).exec() bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) bot.sendMessage(, `Данный чат успешно установлен в качестве основного`) } }) bot.onText(/^\/warn/, async(msg, match) => { if (update) return const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if (!chat || > 0) return const member = await bot.getChatMember(, if (member.status != "administrator" && member.status != "creator") return if (msg.reply_to_message) { const to = msg.reply_to_message.from if( == { return } if ( === { return } const warns = await Warning.find({user:, chat:, active: true}) console.log({warns}) if (warns.length >= (chat.options.maxWarnings || 3)) { //bot.kickChatMember(, bot.restrictChatMember(,, { can_add_web_page_previews: false, can_change_info: false, can_invite_users: false, can_pin_messages: false, can_send_media_messages: false, can_send_messages: false, can_send_other_messages: false, can_send_polls: false }) bot.sendMessage(, `*${markdowned(to.first_name)}* получил слишком много предупреждений и больше не будет ничего писать\\.`, { parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", reply_to_message_id: msg.reply_to_message.message_id } ) } else { const warning = new Warning({user:, chat:, msg: msg.reply_to_message.text || "Нет текста"}) let message = `*${markdowned(to.first_name)}* получил${warns.length === 0 ? ' ': ' ещё '}одно предупреждение\\. *Всего: ${warns.length + 1}*` if (warns.length === (chat.options.maxWarnings || 3) - 1){ message += "\nДальше только молчанка\\." } bot.sendMessage(, message, { parse_mode: 'MarkdownV2', reply_to_message_id: msg.reply_to_message.message_id } ) } } }) bot.onText(/^\/unban/, async (msg, match) => { if (update) return const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if (!chat) { return } const member = await bot.getChatMember(, if (member.status != "administrator" && member.status != "creator") return let user = await getUserFromMessage(msg) if(!user) { bot.sendMessage(, 'Извините, не нашла ничего на данного пользователя') return } if (user.uid === { return } if(user.uid == { return } Warning.updateMany({user: user.uid, chat:}, {$set: {active: false}}) //bot.unbanChatMember(, user.uid) bot.restrictChatMember(, user.uid, { can_add_web_page_previews: true, can_change_info: true, can_invite_users: true, can_pin_messages: true, can_send_media_messages: true, can_send_messages: true, can_send_other_messages: true, can_send_polls: true }) bot.sendMessage(, `*${markdowned(user.username)}* был разбанен\\.`, {parse_mode:'MarkdownV2'}) }) bot.onText(/^\/set ([a-zA-Z]+) (\d+)/, async(msg, match) => { if (update) return const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if (!chat) { return } const member = await bot.getChatMember(, if (member.status == "administrator" || member.status == "creator" || > 0) { let option = match[1] let value = parseInt(match[2]) if (chat.options[option] && value) { let field = 'options.'+option let obj = {} obj[field] = Math.min(Math.max(1, value), 600) Chat.updateOne({uid:}, {$set: obj}, {upsert: true}).exec() bot.deleteMessage(, msg.message_id) bot.sendMessage(, `Значение ${option} установлено на ${obj[field]}`) } } }) bot.onText(/^(\+|-|👍|👎|➕|➖)/, async(msg, match) => { processKarma(msg, match, {emoji: true}) }) bot.onText(/^(спасибо|благодарю|спс)/i, async(msg, match) => { processKarma(msg, match, {thanks: true}) }) bot.on('sticker', msg => { processKarma(msg, null, {stickers: true}) }) bot.onText(/(оффтоп|offtop)/i, async msg => { if(update) return //const offtop = await Chat.findOne({main: true}) const msgDate = new Date( * 1000) const chat = await getChat( if(!chat.main) { return } if((msgDate - chat.lastOfftop) / 1000 < chat.options.offtopCooldown){ return } const messages = await Trigger.find({trigger: "offtop", show: true}) const message = messages[getRandomInt(0, messages.length)].text bot.sendMessage(, message, {reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [[ { text: 'Оффтоп чат', url: '' }]]}, reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id }) Chat.updateOne({uid:}, {$set: {lastOfftop: msgDate}}).exec() }) bot.onText(/док(ументац[а-я]+|[а-я])? ((п)?о )?(?@?[\w\d]{4,32})/i, async(msg, match) => { if (update) return const chat = await getChat( const topic = match[match.length-1] if(!chat) { return } console.log(topic) const messages = await Trigger.find({trigger: "docs", show: true}) const message = messages[getRandomInt(0, messages.length)].text bot.sendMessage(, message, {reply_markup: { inline_keyboard: [[ { text: `Поиск по ${topic}`, url: `${topic}` }]]}, reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id }) }) bot.onText(/^\/top/, async msg => { if (update) return const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if (!chat || chat.main) { return } const users = await User.find({karma:{$gt:0}}).sort({karma: -1}).select({full_name: 1, karma: 1, uid: 1}) let message = "" let currentPlace = 1 let lastPlace = 0 let lastKarma = users[0].karma let column = 0 for(let user of users) { if(user.karma < lastKarma) { lastKarma = user.karma currentPlace += 1 column = 1 } else { column += 1 if (column > 1) message += ", " } if (currentPlace > 10){ break } if(lastPlace < currentPlace) { message += `\n*${currentPlace} место* \\(${lastKarma}\\): ` lastPlace = currentPlace } console.log(user) let name = markdowned(user.full_name) if(user.uid =={ name = "*" + name + "*" } message += `${name}` } message = `Вот наш ТОП\\-${Math.min(currentPlace, 10)}\nПользователи с кармой больше 0:\n` + message bot.sendMessage(, message, {parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) }) bot.onText(/^\/bottom/, async msg => { if (update) return const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if (!chat || chat.main) { return } const users = await User.find({karma:{$lt:0}}).sort({karma: 1}).select({full_name: 1, karma: 1, uid: 1}) let message = "" let currentPlace = 1 let lastPlace = 0 let lastKarma = users[0].karma let column = 0 for(let user of users) { if(user.karma > lastKarma) { lastKarma = user.karma currentPlace += 1 column = 1 } else { column += 1 if (column > 1) message += ", " } if (currentPlace > 10){ break } if(lastPlace < currentPlace) { message += `\n*${currentPlace} место* \\(${markdowned(lastKarma)}\\): ` lastPlace = currentPlace } let name = markdowned(user.full_name) if(user.uid =={ name = "*" + name + "*" } message += `${name}` } message = `Вот наш *ОТРИЦАТЕЛЬНЫЙ* ТОП\\-${Math.min(currentPlace, 10)}\nПользователи с кармой меньше 0:\n` + message bot.sendMessage(, message, {parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) }) bot.onText(/^\/my_stats/, async msg => { bot.sendMessage(, `Теперь команда для показа статистики - /stats`) }) bot.onText(/^\/stats/, async msg => { if (update) return const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if (!chat || chat.main) { return } let user = await getUserFromMessage(msg) if(!user) { bot.sendMessage(, 'Извините, не нашла ничего на данного пользователя') return } const lessKarma = await User.countDocuments({karma: {$gt: user.karma}}) const sameKarma = await User.find({karma: user.karma}) let sameMessage = "" if(sameKarma.length > 1) { sameMessage = "\nТы делишь его с:\n" let i = 0; for(let same of sameKarma) { if (i < 6) { if(same.uid != user.uid) { sameMessage += ` \\- *${markdowned(same.username)}*\n` i += 1 } } else { sameMessage += ` и другими \\(всего ${sameKarma.length}\\)\n` break } } } let message = ` Вот информация о тебе, *${markdowned(user.full_name)}*: Карма: *${markdowned(user.karma)}* Место среди пользователей: *${lessKarma+1}* ${sameMessage} Количество сообщений: *${user.messagesCount}* Сколько раз менял карму: *${user.karmaChanged}* Сколько раз получал карму: *${user.karmaGot}* ` bot.sendMessage(, message, {parse_mode: "MarkdownV2", reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) }) bot.on('message', async msg => { if (update) return let chat = await getChat( if (!chat || > 0) { return } let user = await getUser(msg.from) if (!chat.users.includes(user.uid)) { Chat.updateOne( {uid:}, {$push: {users: user.uid}}, (err, result) => {} ) } await User.updateOne( {uid:}, {$inc: {messagesCount: 1}} ) }) async function addPhrase(trigger, text) { } async function getChat(c) { let chat = await Chat.findOne({uid:}) if(process.env.NEW_CHATS) { if (!chat) { chat = new Chat({ uid:, title: c.title || c.username }), chat) => { if(err) return console.error(err) return chat }) } } return chat } async function getUser(u) { let full_name = u.first_name + (u.last_name? " " + u.last_name : "") let user = await User.findOne({uid:}) if (!user) { user = new User({uid:, full_name: full_name, username: u.username }), user) => { if(err) return console.error(err) return user }) } else { user.full_name = full_name user.username = u.username await } return user } async function getUserFromMessage(msg) { let user if(msg.reply_to_message) { user = await getUser(msg.reply_to_message.from) // Get user from reply } else if (msg.entities.length > 1) { for(entity of msg.entities) { if (entity.type == "mention") { const username = msg.text.slice(entity.offset+1, entity.offset+entity.length) // Get user from @Mention user = await User.findOne({username: username}) break } else if (entity.type == "text_mention") { user = await getUser(entity.user) // Get user from @Mention without username. break // Strange that this is easier than regular mentions. } } } else { user = await getUser(msg.from) // Just get user that sent this message } return user } function getRandomInt(min, max) { min = Math.ceil(min); max = Math.floor(max); return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min; //Максимум не включается, минимум включается } async function processKarma(msg, match, settings={}) { if(process.env.DEBUG || update) { return } if(msg.reply_to_message) { const chat = await getChat( if (!chat) { return } const msgDate = new Date(*1000) const chat_id = let changeMessage = `повысил` let updateValue = 0 if(settings.emoji || settings.thanks) { if(match) { updateValue = 1 if (match[0] === '-' || match[0] === "👎") { changeMessage = `уменьшил` updateValue = -1 } } } if(msg.sticker) { if (["👍", "➕"].includes(msg.sticker.emoji)) { changeMessage = `повысил` updateValue = 1 } else if (["👎", "➖"].includes(msg.sticker.emoji)){ changeMessage = `уменьшил` updateValue = -1 } } if(updateValue == 0) return const from = msg.from const to = msg.reply_to_message.from const fromDB = await getUser(from) const toDB = await getUser(to) const timeDiff = (msgDate - fromDB.lastKarmaShot) / 1000 if(fromDB.karma < 0) { bot.sendMessage(chat_id, `Тебе с такой маленькой кармой (${fromDB.karma}) нельзя менять её другим`, {reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) return } if( == { const messages = await Trigger.find({trigger:'selfLike', show: true}) const message = messages[getRandomInt(0, messages.length)].text bot.sendMessage(chat_id, message, {reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) return } if (timeDiff < chat.options.karmaCooldown){ const messages = await Trigger.find({trigger:'tooFast', show: true}) const message = messages[getRandomInt(0, messages.length)].text bot.sendMessage(chat_id, message, {reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) return } if( === { let messages let change = true if (updateValue == 1){ messages = await Trigger.find({trigger:'karmaForMe', show: true}) } else if(updateValue == -1) { change = false messages = await Trigger.find({trigger:'minusForMe', show: true}) } const message = messages[getRandomInt(0, messages.length)].text bot.sendMessage(chat_id, message, {reply_to_message_id: msg.message_id}) if (!change) { return } } if (to.is_bot && != { return } { result = await User.updateOne( {uid:}, { $inc: { karma: updateValue, karmaGot: 1 }, } ) User.updateOne( {uid:}, { lastKarmaShot: msgDate, $inc: {karmaChanged: 1} } ).exec() const message = `*${markdowned(fromDB.full_name)} \\(${markdowned(fromDB.karma)}\\)* ${changeMessage} карму *${markdowned(toDB.full_name)} \\(${markdowned(toDB.karma + updateValue)}\\)*` console.log(message) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, message, {parse_mode: "MarkdownV2"}) } } } async function updateDB(id) { console.log(`UPDATING DB FOR ${id}`) const chat = await Chat.findOne({uid: id}) const users = await User.find({uid: chat.users}) console.log({users}) for(let user of users) { const chatMember = await bot.getChatMember(id, user.uid).catch(e => {return null}) if(!chatMember) { continue } const u = chatMember.user = undefined user.full_name = u.first_name + (u.last_name? " " + u.last_name : "") user.username = u.username || null await console.log(`USER ${user.uid} SAVED`) await sleep(100) } console.log("WE ARE DONE") return true } function sleep(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); }