427 lines
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427 lines
14 KiB
package kicker
import (
func userJoined(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
store := tongo.NewStore[db.User](Client)
usr := update.Message.NewChatMembers[0]
message := update.Message
_, err := b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, message.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't delete message: %v", err)
user, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("chat_id", update.ChatID()), tongo.E("user_id", usr.ID))
var captcha *captchagen.Captcha
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, mongo.ErrNoDocuments) {
captcha = captchagen.GenCaptcha()
user = &db.User{
Item: tongo.NewID(),
UserId: usr.ID,
Username: usr.Username,
FirstName: usr.FirstName,
LastName: usr.LastName,
IsJoined: false,
ChatId: message.Chat.ID,
JoinedMessage: message.ID,
CorrectAnswer: int8(captcha.CorrectAnswer),
DateJoined: time.Now(),
LastNotification: time.Now(),
} else {
log.Printf("Can't find user: %v", err)
if captcha == nil {
return nil
bytes, err := captcha.ToBytes()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Error creating captcha bytes: %v", bytes)
b.SendMessage("Не могу создать капчу, @nefrace, проверь логи.", update.Message.Chat.ID, &echotron.MessageOptions{MessageThreadID: int64(update.Message.ThreadID)})
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Приветствую тебя, *%s*\\!\nДля подтверждения, что ты человек, выбери логотип движка, которому посвящен данный чат, и отправь его номер сюда\\.\n*_Я дам тебе десять минут на это\\._*", UserMention(usr))
options := echotron.PhotoOptions{
Caption: msg,
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
if message.Chat.IsForum {
options.MessageThreadID = int(b.CaptchaTopic)
result, err := b.SendPhoto(echotron.NewInputFileBytes("logos.png", *bytes), message.Chat.ID, &options)
if err != nil {
return err
user.CaptchaMessage = result.Result.ID
store.InsertOne(ctx, user)
return nil
func userLeft(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
message := update.Message
sender := message.From
store := tongo.NewStore[db.User](Client)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if user, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("user_id", sender.ID), tongo.E("chat_id", message.Chat.ID), tongo.E("is_joined", false)); err == nil { //d.GetUser(ctx, db.User{UserId: sender.ID, ChatId: message.Chat.ID}); err == nil {
store.DeleteByID(ctx, user.Id)
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, message.ID)
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, user.CaptchaMessage)
return nil
var muted = echotron.ChatPermissions{
CanSendMessages: false,
CanSendAudios: false,
CanSendDocuments: false,
CanSendPhotos: false,
CanSendVideos: false,
CanSendVideoNotes: false,
CanSendVoiceNotes: false,
CanSendPolls: false,
CanSendOtherMessages: false,
func muteUser(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
message := update.Message
if message.ReplyToMessage == nil {
return nil
reply := message.ReplyToMessage
items := strings.SplitN(message.Text, " ", 3)
days, msg := 1, reply.Text
var err error
if len(items) > 1 {
days, err = strconv.Atoi(items[1])
if err != nil || days < 1 {
res, _ := b.SendMessage("Неверно указано количество дней", message.Chat.ID, &echotron.MessageOptions{ReplyToMessageID: message.ID})
go waitAndDelete(&b.API, res.Result, 10*time.Second)
return err
if len(items) > 2 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("%s: \"%s\"", reply.From.FirstName, items[2])
store := tongo.NewStore[db.Mute](Client)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
until := time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, days)
_, err = b.RestrictChatMember(message.Chat.ID, reply.From.ID, muted, &echotron.RestrictOptions{UntilDate: int(until.Unix())})
if err != nil {
b.SendMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Не могу дать молчанку юзеру: %v", err), b.chatID, &echotron.MessageOptions{ReplyToMessageID: message.ID})
return err
fmt.Sprintf("Пользователю *%s* выдана \"молчанка\" на %d %s\\.", UserMention(reply.From), days, pluralRu(days, "день", "дня", "дней")),
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
MessageThreadID: int64(message.ThreadID),
logstore := tongo.NewStore[db.LogChannel](Client)
logchat, _ := logstore.GetOne(ctx)
if logchat != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Пользователю %s выдана молчанка админом *%s* \\#muted\n\nПричина: %s\\.", MentionWithData(reply.From), UserMention(message.From), EscapeText(echotron.MarkdownV2, msg))
if _, err := b.SendMessage(
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
); err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't log muted message with reason: %v", err)
b.ForwardMessage(logchat.ChatId, message.Chat.ID, reply.ID, &echotron.ForwardOptions{})
store.InsertOne(ctx, &db.Mute{
Item: tongo.NewID(),
UserId: reply.From.ID,
ChatId: message.Chat.ID,
Message: msg,
Date: time.Now(),
Until: until,
MessageLink: fmt.Sprintf("https://t.me/c/%d/%d/%d", transformChatID(update.ChatID()), message.ThreadID, message.ID),
return nil
func banUser(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
message := update.Message
if message.ReplyToMessage == nil {
return nil
reply := message.ReplyToMessage
items := strings.SplitN(message.Text, " ", 2)
reason := ""
if len(items) == 2 {
reason = items[1]
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
_, err := b.BanChatMember(message.Chat.ID, reply.From.ID, &echotron.BanOptions{})
if err != nil {
b.SendMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Не могу забанить юзера: %v", err), b.chatID, &echotron.MessageOptions{ReplyToMessageID: message.ID})
return err
opts := echotron.MessageOptions{
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
if message.ThreadID != 0 {
opts.MessageThreadID = int64(message.ThreadID)
if _, err := b.SendMessage(
fmt.Sprintf("Пользователь %s забанен\\.", UserMention(reply.From)),
); err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't send ban message: %v", err)
logstore := tongo.NewStore[db.LogChannel](Client)
logchat, _ := logstore.GetOne(ctx)
if logchat != nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Пользователь %s забанен админом *%s* \\#banned\n\nПричина: %s\\.", MentionWithData(reply.From), UserMention(message.From), EscapeText(echotron.MarkdownV2, reason))
if _, err := b.SendMessage(
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
); err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't log banned message with reason: %v", err)
b.ForwardMessage(logchat.ChatId, message.Chat.ID, reply.ID, &echotron.ForwardOptions{})
return nil
func userBanned(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
m := update.ChatMember
c := m.Chat
u := m.NewChatMember.User
store := tongo.NewStore[db.User](Client)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if user, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("user_id", u.ID), tongo.E("chat_id", c.ID)); err == nil { //d.GetUser(ctx, db.User{UserId: sender.ID, ChatId: message.Chat.ID}); err == nil {
store.DeleteByID(ctx, user.Id)
logstore := tongo.NewStore[db.LogChannel](Client)
logchat, _ := logstore.GetOne(ctx)
if logchat != nil && m.From.ID != b.Me.ID {
fmt.Sprintf("Пользователь %s забанен админом *%s* \\#banned\\.", MentionWithData(u), UserMention(&m.From)),
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
return nil
func checkCaptcha(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
message := update.Message
sender := message.From
store := tongo.NewStore[db.User](Client)
chatStore := tongo.NewStore[db.Chat](Client)
// d := db.GetDatabase()
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 15*time.Second)
defer cancel()
chat, err := chatStore.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("chat_id", message.Chat.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
if user, err := store.GetOne(ctx,
tongo.E("user_id", sender.ID),
tongo.E("chat_id", message.Chat.ID),
tongo.E("is_joined", false),
); err == nil { //d.GetUser(ctx, db.User{UserId: sender.ID, ChatId: message.Chat.ID}); err == nil {
if message.Chat.IsForum {
if message.ThreadID != int(chat.TopicId) {
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, message.ID)
text := fmt.Sprintf("*%s*, сначала пройди [капчу](https://t.me/c/%d/%d/%d)\\!", UserMention(sender), transformChatID(b.chatID), chat.TopicId, user.CaptchaMessage)
res, _ := b.SendMessage(text, message.Chat.ID, &echotron.MessageOptions{ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2, MessageThreadID: int64(message.ThreadID)})
go waitAndDelete(&b.API, res.Result, 10*time.Second)
return nil
text_runes := []rune(message.Text)
guess := string(text_runes[0])
solved := false
if num, err := strconv.Atoi(guess); err == nil {
if num == int(user.CorrectAnswer) {
user.IsJoined = true
store.ReplaceItem(ctx, *user, true)
solved = true
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, message.ID)
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, user.CaptchaMessage)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("Капча успешно пройдена пользователем *%s*", UserMention(sender))
timeout := 10 * time.Second
if chat.Greet != "" {
msg = fmt.Sprintf(chat.Greet, UserMention(sender))
timeout = 2 * time.Minute
options := echotron.MessageOptions{
ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2,
if message.Chat.IsForum {
options.MessageThreadID = b.CaptchaTopic
res, err := b.SendMessage(msg, message.Chat.ID, &options)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't send welcome message: %s", err)
go waitAndDelete(&b.API, res.Result, timeout)
// time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)
// _, err = b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, res.Result.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't delete welcome message: %s", err)
if !solved {
logstore := tongo.NewStore[db.LogChannel](Client)
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, message.ID)
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, user.CaptchaMessage)
b.DeleteMessage(message.Chat.ID, user.JoinedMessage)
b.BanChatMember(message.Chat.ID, sender.ID, nil)
if logchat, _ := logstore.GetOne(ctx); logchat != nil {
b.SendMessage(fmt.Sprintf("Пользователь %s провалил капчу \\#banned \\#captcha", MentionWithData(sender)), logchat.ChatId, &echotron.MessageOptions{ParseMode: echotron.MarkdownV2})
store.DeleteByID(ctx, user.Id)
} else if message.Chat.IsForum && message.ThreadID == int(chat.TopicId) {
res, err := b.GetChatMember(update.ChatID(), sender.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if res.Result.Status == "administrator" || res.Result.Status == "creator" {
return nil
b.DeleteMessage(b.chatID, message.ID)
return nil
func setAdminTopic(b *bot, update *echotron.Update, set bool) error {
message := update.Message
chatID := update.ChatID()
store := tongo.NewStore[db.AdminTopic](Client)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
topic, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("chat_id", chatID), tongo.E("topic_id", message.ThreadID))
if set {
if err != nil || topic == nil {
_, err := store.InsertOne(ctx, &db.AdminTopic{
Item: tongo.NewID(),
ChatId: chatID,
TopicId: int64(message.ThreadID),
if err != nil {
log.Println("Can't set admintopic: ", err)
return err
b.SendMessage("Данный топик теперь только для админов.", chatID, &echotron.MessageOptions{MessageThreadID: int64(message.ThreadID)})
return nil
} else {
if err == nil {
if err := store.DeleteByID(ctx, topic.Id); err != nil {
log.Println("Can't unset admintopic: ", err)
return err
b.SendMessage("Данный топик теперь доступен всем!", chatID, &echotron.MessageOptions{MessageThreadID: int64(message.ThreadID)})
return nil
func checkAdminTopics(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
message := update.Message
chatID := update.ChatID()
sender := message.From
res, err := b.GetChatMember(message.Chat.ID, sender.ID)
if err != nil {
log.Println("muteUser: Can't get member: ", err)
return err
if res.Result.Status == "administrator" || res.Result.Status == "creator" {
return nil
store := tongo.NewStore[db.AdminTopic](Client)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
if _, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("chat_id", chatID), tongo.E("topic_id", message.ThreadID)); err == nil {
b.DeleteMessage(chatID, message.ID)
return nil
func botAdded(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
m := update.Message
store := tongo.NewStore[db.Chat](Client)
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 10*time.Second)
defer cancel()
chat, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("chat_id", m.Chat.ID))
if err != nil {
chat = &db.Chat{
Item: tongo.NewID(),
ChatId: m.Chat.ID,
Title: m.Chat.Title,
TopicId: 0,
_, err = store.InsertOne(ctx, chat)
if err != nil {
return nil
func setTopic(b *bot, update *echotron.Update) error {
m := update.Message
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
store := tongo.NewStore[db.Chat](Client)
chat, err := store.GetOne(ctx, tongo.E("chat_id", m.Chat.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
chat.TopicId = int64(m.ThreadID)
// upd := bson.D{{Key: "$set", Value: bson.D{{Key: "topic_id", Value: m.ThreadID}}}}
b.CaptchaTopic = int64(m.ThreadID)
err = store.ReplaceItem(ctx, *chat, false)
if err != nil {
return err
b.DeleteMessage(m.Chat.ID, m.ID)
b.SendMessage("Данный топик выбран в качестве проверочного для пользователей", m.Chat.ID, &echotron.MessageOptions{MessageThreadID: int64(m.ThreadID)})
return nil